Terre Quadri Collezione Barberino 2016 2009  

LA NAZIONE MERCOLEDI 27 DICEMBRE 2006 San Gimignano Rassegna di dipinti in Cancelleria BUIANI IN MOSTRA San Gimignano è rimasta senza visitatori “chiusa” per riposo invernale. Alcuni gruppetti di giapponesi, quelli non mancano mai, in questi giorni di festa hanno visitato la città, di corsa come bersaglieri con le piazzeContinue Reading

Alberto Buiani was born in San Gimignano and the dream of this place remains in his artworks, he paints it not as it is in reality, but as he reminds it in the memories of youth. His painting is material, rich of corporeal mixtures, which makes the picture alive, soContinue Reading

I have cultivated a passion for art since I was young; in the 70s I managed together with my dear friend “Saetta da San Gimgnano” or Gabriele Becucci also an art gallery in San Gimignano, which hosts famous authors such as Michele Cascella. Since 2000 Buiani has the opportunity toContinue Reading

Alberto Buiani Viale Avignone 15 53100 Siena tel. 0577 045321 cell. 333 5827882 info@albertobuiani.it